Creating validation instances

Validation instances should be constructed via the validation factory function.

validation function accepts a configuration object with the following signature:

 * Configuration object for creating validation objects.
 * @param test Test function for the validation @see Test
 * @param message Message for the user if validation fails @see TestMessage
 * @param missingMessage Message when field to be validated is not present @see MissingFieldMessage
 * @param required if the field to be validated must exist on the object to be validated.
export interface ValidationConfig {
  test: Test<any>
  message?: string | FailedTestMessage
  missingMessage?: string | MissingFieldMessage
  required?: boolean


const isEmail = validation({
  test: (value, field, path, objUnderTest) => {
    // test if value is valid email
    return true
  message: 'Email not valid',
  missingMessage: 'Email field not provided',
  required: true,

Or it can accept a single paramter that is the test function:

const isEmail = validation((value,field,path,objecUnderTest){
  // test if value is valid email
  return true

That is all that is required for creating a minimal validation test. Other configuration options will have their default values set.

Learn more about all configuration parameters: